Join the conference


Quantitative Genomics 2019 is a one-day conference for early-career researchers and graduate students, bringing together researchers from around the world, working at the forefront of mathematical and statistical genomics.
Register, submit an abstract (optional) to present your work, and discuss the hottest topics in the field in an informal environment that is ideal for building lasting networks.

The conference date is 10 June 2019, the venue is Francis Crick Institute, London.

Cutting edge research

Register to join and see the hot topics in quantitative genomics.
Submit an abstract and present your research as a poster or as a podium talk.

Keynote speakers

Learn from our keynote speakers who are invited to present their own cutting edge research and give their insights into current and future directions.

Networking opportunity

Be at the centre of the field and extend your professional network of peers and collaborators in a friendly and supportive environment


Join #quantgen19in London

Sherry Coutu Seminar Suite

The Francis Crick Institute

1 Midland Road, London, NW1 1AT


We invite high profile researchers to present a topic of their choice

John Marioni

John Marioni


Chris Wallace

Chris Wallace

University of Cambridge

Chris Wallace

MRC Biostatistics Unit / Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge


John Marioni

European Molecular Biology Laboratory – European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)


Keynote speakers from previous events

Gil McVean

Big Data Institute, University of Oxford

Inês Barroso

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Richard Durbin

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Sarah Teichmann

EMBL-EBI & WT Sanger Institute

Share your experience on Twitter


Join the #quantgen19 conference



  • Conference book
  • Lunch provided
  • All sessions
  • Coffee breaks & networking
  • Post-conference drinks

18 March– 10 April



  • Conference book
  • Lunch provided
  • All sessions
  • Coffee breaks & networking
  • Post-conference drinks

11 April — 5 June

If you cannot register using the form provided on this website, please contact us directly via email:

Registration and payment are processed by the University of Cambridge.


You can submit your abstract to present your research

Abstract submission:   11 March– 6th May

Poster sessions take place in between podium talk sessions and during coffee, lunch, and networking breaks.

Your poster can be in size DIN A0 or A1. If your poster is in A0 format, please use portrait format (upright, height longer than width), as you will be sharing poster boards where space may be limited.

Please bring your poster to the registration desk on the day of the conference.

A short podium talk is like a long podium talk, but shorter.

5 minutes, without time for Q&A. You can answer all questions during our networking sessions.

Your presentation has to be in PowerPoint or PDF format.

If your abstract has been accepted for a podium presentation you will be notified and required to confirm.

A long podium talk is like a short podium talk, but longer.

12 minutes talk + 3 minutes for Q&A.

Your presentation has to be in PowerPoint or PDF format.

If your abstract has been accepted for a podium presentation you will be notified and required to confirm.

If you cannot submit your abstract using the form provided on this website, please contact us directly via email:


The team behind the scenes of #quantgen19

Jonathan Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute/Genomics Plc.

Daniel Kunz

Daniel Kunz

The Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Max Stammnitz

Max Stammnitz

Transmissible Cancer Group, University of Cambridge

Martin Kelemen

Martin Kelemen

University of Cambridge / Sanger Wellcome Trust

Rachel Colquhoun

Rachel Colquhoun

University of Oxford / EMBL-EBI

Do you want to organise 2020?

We are looking for volunteers to organise the next conference

Quantitative Genomics is a conference organised by volunteers. To continue in this now established tradition, we need you! If you have been to QG19 or one of the previous conferences, you know how it should go and perhaps how to improve organisation. The team is typically joined by graduate students and early career researchers, who enjoy working together to make this conference a success. The previous team will provide you with advice on how to get started. You can join, too. Simply your interest is required.

You can contact the #quantgen19 team if you have any questions about the conference

If you cannot contact us using the form provided on this website, please contact us directly via email:

This event is sponsored by Genomics plc.

Copyright 2019 -- All rights reserved